statement 2022

This statement is made by Luxury Living St Barts

Modern Slavery

On a global scale we can all grasp the gereral idea of what modern slavery means. But what does this mean to us in our direct environment? On a certain level having a paid job with the high cost of living these days does not guarantee a life comfortably lived or work life balance and many people living paycheck to paycheck. This does not indicate any quality of life or ensure future growth and is a culture we as a company would like to move away from.

As a smaller scale business we are not afraid of tackling this issue in our direct environment and community in the hopes the ripple effect will be felt on a larger scale.


At Luxury Living St Barts we take our social responsibility extremely seriously. We pride ourselves in respecting the individual no matter what gender, race, nationality, religion or orientation. We are committed to doing business in an ethical way, with honesty, integrity and humanity, and we encourage the same from our suppliers and their supply chains.

We hold the bar high for ourselves to act with respect and integrity in all that we do. When we trust each other, the service we deliver and the content and perspectives we distribute shine brighter and travel further. Our clientele can feel it and then they in turn trust us, which is our hardest won and most prized asset.

To contribute in a practical and encouraging way, we assist our collaborators in taking the step from employee to self employment. We then pay them as an equal collaborator, treat them with every respect and support their growth and development as individual entities. By empowerment of the individual as well as giving them the tools to navigate the needed administration we can help to make a difference in their earning potential. We hope that this way, over time, we can contribute to more balance and quality of life for our collaborators.

By staying in line with our ethical responsibilities and values, Luxury Living St Barts believes that the risk of modern slavery occurring within its collaborators/intern base and direct environment is very low.

Partners & Contractors

We ensure that all partners and collaborators (management, contractors and interns) are aware of our company’s values and policies, including those related to our ethics. Given that the behaviours and policies of our partners are beyond our control we encourage them to handle to the best of their ability with a certain degree of ethics and integrity. If it comes to light that any partners or collaborators are not in alignment with our values and principles we will not hesitate to go our separate ways. Please see the Business Principles page for more information.


This statement has been published in 2022 and will be reviewed annually.

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